Week 7

Monday 6th November

Lesson 1 - Rob

We started off this session by doing some vocal and physical exercises ,such as tongue twisters and rolling out the body to relax any tension in the muscles.We then started running  through the play. we went through the whole play without making a stop. At the end Rob gave us all general feed back on the play as a whole. Here is Rob's general feed back:

  • No offside chatting (talking backstage) - it takes the focus away from actors onstage
  • Take more care with moments onstage as well as moments offstage
  • Make sure you give eye contact to other actors - this helps actors know what to do
  • Work on pacing - act with more energy as supposed to pace
  • Think about the moment - play the intentions
  • Even when one doesn't have lines act and react to keep the stage alive
  • Remember to use the whole stage space
  •  Make sure all the scenes blend together well, scene changes should be smooth and immediate
  • Practise articulating lines - less pace more articulation

Lesson 2 -Sharon

We did the exact same thing we did in the first lesson so Sharon could give us individual feed back on not only specific scenes, but also the play as a whole. Here was my feed back:
  • Keep focus on stage (Don't corpse)
  • Go over the top in rehearsal so I can bring it down later
  • Rehearse the opening walk across stage
  • Always play my inner monologue/intentions
  • Continue with the good relationship between Romeo and Benvolio (scene 1)
  • Practise the dance routine for before the dance scene (scene 4)
  • The balcony scene was very strong
  • Keep eye contact with other actors
  • Avoid the kiss or kill position (don't be too close to other actors)
  • Memories my final monologue
