week 4

Tuesday 3rd October

Lesson 1 - Rob (context)

In this session we first discussed the elements of acting we would use during rehearsals and performances. This is the list we came up with:
  • projection of voice
  • stage presence
  • Laban theory (how we move)
  • articulation
  • body language
  • facial expression
  • communication
We were told to keep all these in mind while we write up about our rehearsal lessons. 

Lesson 2 - Sharon

In this session we went through our scripts and created a 'character bio' for our characters.To increase my understanding of my character I talked to other characters to see what they thought of my character. Here is what i came out with:

To summarise Romeo is an impulsive young man who acts without thinking. He is very set on finding/being in love. He is also portrayed as very naive because his mind is always set on one thing. Other characters described him as too forward because he jump straight from being distraught about Rosaline not getting 'aroused' by him to getting 'aroused' by Juliet.

Wednesday 4th October

Lesson 1 - Sharon

in this session we talked about Konstantin Stanisvlaski. Stanisvaski was a theatre practitioner who created a method to help actors portray character emotions by having them become their characters. he did this through both emotion memory and the magic if method. The emotion memory method is when the actor uses one of their own memories of a certain emotion to create that emotion for a character. For example since I play Romeo I would (at most points) remember a time I felt truly in love. If this method doesn't because one may not have a memory of that certain emotion then the 'Magic if 'method should help. the 'magic if' method helps one get to know their character by getting the actor to read through the script and get to know how the character would react in certain situations (even if the scenarios are totally unrelated to the actual play/script). For example, in this lesson we got paired with another character and we had to act on the sentence 'what if your characters met for the first time/what if your characters knew each other before?'. I was paired with Tybalt so we chose the second question.We created a scene where Romeo and Tybalt were friends until Romeo stole the girl Tybalt liked (Rosaline), and thus starts Tybalt's hatred towards all Montagues.

We also created character bios for each of our characters which talked about who we think our characters are and how they may act based on what we find out from our script. We talked about their family and friends, their appearance, their likes and dislikes, their personality etc. This time we created a more modern character bio. We were paired with a different character and we had to present that character to the to the class. I was paired with Lord Capulet so I had to read through his character bio and present him, as a character to the class. This was my character bio:

Area of living: Covent Garden
Work: No work - rich parents
House/Family : Montague
Friends: Mercucio, Benvolio, Friar Lawrence
Appearance: Dapper looking(slim fit suits style), Dark chocolate complexion
Personality: tries too hard, sensitive, impulsive, loving
Likes: friends, family, the idea of love, Juliet😍💖
Dislikes: nothing (except for Tybalt after he kills Mercucio)
