week 3

Monday 25th September

Lesson 1 - Rob

In this lesson we laid out scenes 5 - 11. This is from the start of the party scene to the marriage of Romeo and Juliet. In this session I learnt how to project my voice over background on stage acting/dialogue. I also learnt how to project all different kinds of lines all the way to the back of the school theatre. In this session we as a group were taught more about intentions and how to use the space to show the emotions/intentions of different characters (close=love/family/brawl, far=regret/hate/grudge).

Doing these scenes made me realise that I don't properly enunciate my words. To fix this problem I have decided to slow down my lines, this will help me to be able to say words fully and not rush through lines.   

Lesson 2 - Sharon

In this session we carried on with our work from Tuesday 12th. We created 3 more freeze frames that showed the next three important scenes in the play. My group's six frames were the beginning fight scene; the party scene; the balcony scene; the marriage scene; the fight between Romeo & Tybalt and the death scene (R&J). Here are some of our freezes



We then integrated a line into each frame to show what was happening in the freeze. Here is a video of both the transitions we worked on and the lines integrated into the scene:

This concluded our sessions for the day.

Tuesday 26th September

Lesson 1 - Sharon

In this lesson we went back over scenes 5 - 11. We did this to make sure everything would fit into our time limit; to make sure all transitions were clean and to make sure everything made sense. This is because in the transition from scene 6 to scene 7, this is where Mercutio and Benvolio are looking for Romeo. Before we had me (Romeo) come in from the place where M&B left which doesn't make sense because that means they would've been able to find me. To fix this we had me hide on stage so therefore it makes much more sense moving into the next scene as well. 

From this session the comments I got were to slow down my longer paragraphs so that I am able to enunciate my words much better. This concluded our sessions for the day.

Wednesday 27th September

Lesson 1 - Sharon

In this lesson we played some improvisation games. The first game we played was the 3 character game. In this game we were given a place and we had to come onto the stage as different characters in that place. The place we were given was a park. only three actors were allowed on stage at one time. Each time a new person comes on stage one has to leave. This exercise allowed us to know more about each other and how we think and how we improve the other actors performance on stage.

The second game we played was the family drama improvisation. In this improvisation activity we got into groups of 3 and created pieces of parents vs one disobedient child. I had Kamal and Lola in my group. Lola and I were the parents who were against our child (Kamal) living with his 2nd cousin in a civil partnership. To make this more believable we chose a culture that was highly against  homosexuals. We chose an African culture because African cultures are more religious than others so therefore they would move with the norm of their religion. We portrayed this by mentioning the bible in our arguments against our son. This activity allowed us to think about what attributes of a characters biography would make a scene more believable.

To end the day we created freeze frames of different locations that were given by different students in the class. students had to get up and come into the stage space one by one. Each student then had  make a freeze to make the whole freeze frame more believable. Each time someone added a freeze to the image the 'scene' would become more and more realistic.

Thursday 28th September

Lesson 1&2 - Rob &Sharon

In this session we started to block out scenes 12 - the end of the play. This includes the fight scene between Tybalt, Mercucio and Romeo; the exile of Romeo and the failure of the friar's plan. In this session we talked more about intentions and what we should be acting like through out the scenes. I had learnt that Romeo's countenance changes from the beginning of the script to the end. At the start of the play he is a naive boy who is set on Rosaline, but as the play progresses I have realised that Romeo grows as a character to be less scared of the future and becomes even more impulsive. This concluded this session.
In the second session we went through the the hole play and started refining parts of the play. This included making transitions cleaner and adding ensemble members to dead scenes. this concluded our sessions this week.
